The Magical Science Of Storytelling: “How to Create a Compelling Story”

Realtor Scaling Framework
3 min readDec 11, 2020

There’s essentially a framework for telling stories — to write copy, to create recordings, to write headlines, or a sales letter. If you have a level of fear of going on camera or writing content, you just need to know how to structure the conversation right. You need to know the structure of the story that you’re trying to craft. It’s really not what you have to say because there’s a ton of that and we already know that we have a lot to say. We have a lot of stories about what we learned or things we went through. To tell these stories, you have to have the right format.

What’s the format?

It’s really simple: hook, story, offer.

If you’re writing a story, recording a video, or writing an ad, just follow this format.

Here’s a story about Drew Manning.

Drew Manning was a gentleman who’s always been fit. He’s a fit-to-fat-to-fit guy. When he tells his story, and you are a person who’s looking to lose weight, you’d be like, “I want to buy what Drew has to offer”, just because the story that he shared is so compelling.

Back in 2011, in November, he decided to get fat. He was like, “You know what, I’ve always been fit most of my life. I help people get fit, but I never really understood how my ideal client feels. So you know what, I’m going to get fat on purpose.” From May to November of 2011, he got fat. For six months, he just ate and got fat. There’s a picture online of him who went from fit to fat. Then from November of 2011 to May of 2012, he got fit again. He got back into the body that he used to have before he got fat on purpose.

Now his story is, “Hey, I’m Drew Manning, I’m the guy who went from fit to fat to fit on purpose because I wanted to know and feel what my clients are going through. Here’s my story. Here are my pictures of proof. I want to help you because now I understand what you’re going through in terms of your weight loss journey, your transformation journey, your struggles of weight loss. I truly understand what you’re going through. I want to help you through it, not just physically, but psychologically and emotionally because I now truly understand what you’re going through because I also went through it.”

Such an amazing story, right?

Drew Manning was able to connect with his audience better. That’s his story. He now has a story that will resonate with his audience. He was like, “I went through this and this is how I earned it. I did this. This is the framework, the tool, the mechanism that I used to do this. I know how you feel. So come join us. Click this button, go here, go there.” People are going to essentially do what he says because they know that he understands what they’re going through.

This story about Drew Manning is a compelling example of how you write your story. So the next time you create a video, write a blog or content, follow the hook-story-offer model. And create the most compelling story ever!

Watch: How to Use Storytelling in Business

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